

Our functional fitness class that promotes strength, stability and mobility through multiple disciplines such as weightlifting, gymnastics and metabolic conditioning. Every session has been throughly planned, discussed and tested before it reaches the whiteboard.

Each session is one hour long and typically, this involves a warm-up, skill/strength section followed by the Workout of the Day (WOD). Every minute has been accounted for and every class is lead by an expert coach.


Still an hour long, these sessions focus on a longer duration partner or team workout, where the emphasis is on fitness and community.

An opportunity to meet and catch up with other members outside your normal class times whilst still getting a sweat on.


Capacity is designed to challenge your aerobic system. This is where we will build your engine enabling you to not only feel fitter but also to help your recovery during and after workouts!


A technical Weightlifting session where you’ll be taught the finer points of the Snatch and the Clean & Jerk alongside strength movements tailored to strengthen the two main lifts. In this class you’ll recieve movement progressions specific to you and what you need to develop and progress within the Olympic Lifts.